The Programme aims to provide a broad-based and highly flexible curriculum with integrated business and management elements to our students allowing them to develop their professional and business-related careers. The specific aims of the Programme are to provide students with:
- Knowledge on the best practices of responsible business;
- An all-round education with emphasis on a wide range of skills and competencies such as leadership, communication, and effective resources utilization to meet the challenges of the ever-changing global business environment;
- Better employability to develop their career in general managerial positions in various business related fields such as human resources, finance, and IT;
- Strong analytic skills in managing small, medium and large business organizations;
- Solid theoretical knowledge in business and management to pursue post-graduate study or research;
- A good sense of professional ethics, social responsibility and commitment;
- Adequate knowledge and skills in using advanced technologies related to business applications.
The main objective of the Programme is to equip students with in-depth knowledge in various areas of business and management. The students are expected to possess:
- The knowledge and skills for becoming effective managers in the ever-changing business environment;
- A thorough understanding of the roles of modern business and its management in the local and international business environment;
- A good sense of global vision and the adaptability to meet the challenges in the global business environment;
- Competencies in leading and managing all types of organizations;
- Abilities to describe, analyse, synthesise and evaluate theoretical models underpinning key business management concepts for evaluation of current needs and forecast future trends;
- In-depth knowledge on management functions including planning, organizing, staffing, leading, controlling and decision-making for managing application purposes;
- Knowledge and practical skills in marketing for the analysis, design, implementations, and control of strategic marketing plans;
- General knowledge in identifying, measuring and communicating financial information to make objective financial decisions;
- A strong sense of professional ethics, integrity, accountability and social responsibility;
- Ability to apply knowledge of information technology to business related problems;
- Generic skills in creativity, critical thinking, effective communication and interpersonal dynamics.